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  • Creative Hands On Festival Planning Meeting

Creative Hands On Festival Planning Meeting

  • 11 Jun 2019
  • 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Artisans Centre Perterboough

Registration is closed

Creative Hands On Festival Planning Meeting

Artisans Centre Peterborough will be hosting a “Creative Hands On Festival” this fall, thanks to funding from the New Horizons for Seniors Program.

The “Creative Hands On Festival” will be a three-day event held in Peterborough, September 13-15 2019, consisting of a variety of activities including demonstrations, hands on activity stations, and short classes.  This is an excellent opportunity to make seniors and the general public aware of your guild’s existence and skills.

We are looking for guilds/groups who are interested in being included in this unique opportunity.  Get involved from the beginning to be included in this event by attending a meeting at Peterborough Square, on June 11th .  Please let us know of your plans to attend by either calling and leaving a message at Artisans Centre:  705-775-1797, or by emailing: creativefestival2019@gmail.com.  

June 11, 2019

6-8 p.m.

Visit us: 

Monday - Friday: 10:00am - 4:00pm

Saturdays:  10:00am - 1:00pm

Sundays:  Closed

360 George St N, Unit 3, Peterborough Square

Peterborough, ON   K9H 7E7

The Artisans Centre Peterborough respectfully acknowledges that

our facility is located on Treaty 20 Michi Saagiig territory and is in the traditional territory of the Michi Saagiig and Chippewa Nations, collectively known as the Williams Treaties First Nation.   


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